Test Post

Oh hey there, friends. Happy Friday to you!
I really can't tell if this week went by extremely fast or extremely slow. I'm having a hard time believing it's Friday. But yet, when I think back to Monday, it feels like ages ago. Does that ever happen to you? Or, am I the only one that apparently has issues comprehending time?

Anyway, I'm happy to have the weekend roll around again. I can't really say we'll be doing much relaxing, though. We'll be at my parents' house all weekend helping them spread mulch in their yard. So, you can go ahead and look forward to me complaining about a sore back come Monday morning. 

As always, I'm sharing a few highlights from this past week. Let's hop to it, shall we?

1. Last weekend, a friend of mine was in town. It had been quite some time since we'd seen each other, so it was a great excuse to meet up for some dinner downtown. After that, we decided to head to a brewery around the corner. It was a fun and much needed girls' night out!

2. Ty and I finally put the first coat of stain on the farmhouse table that Ty built! We were a little nervous, since we don't have that much experience staining. But, I can't get over how much the stain really brought the wood to life. We've already applied one coat of poly (this photo was pre-poly). Now, we just need to lightly sand it, apply one more poly coat and we're finally finished! Whew, I can't wait to have that project done.

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